Solution Focussed Therapy
A different approach.
Online Zoom Sessions.
SFBT offers an energising, warm and hopeful alternative to traditional models in counselling (the helping relationship).
What is so different in this approach is its simplicity; instead of it being centred around problems and why the situation is difficult, it is revolving around what is working and the outcome as a solution.
Research suggests that dwelling on an issue can make us feel worst so instead we acknowledge it but we focus on the present and the future on what can be supportive and what we can change.
We don’t tend to focus on what we can’t change instead our focus is on the possibilities. It is a positive supportive and transformative experience.
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How it works.
The approach guides in collaboration with the therapist and the individual to build effective solutions based on your strengths and resources.
During the session, from the conversation and thoughts, will emerge some exceptions and solutions in line with your expectations, hopes and thoughts and in respect of your values and culture.
Helpful, lasting change and solutions can only come from the individual who lives the situation, with the help of the approach specific tools, the role of the therapist will be to guide you to being the expert of your own life and of yourselves. In Solution Focused Therapy, we believe you are the expert, we just help the process of transformation.
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) was developed by Steve de Shazer, and Insoo Kim Berg at the Milwaukee Brief Family Therapy Center, USA.